You’re Here!

Yay! You’re here! Remember when you were a kid and how excited you felt when relatives or friends came to visit? Every few minutes you’d run pull the curtains back or lift the blinds to see if the car was pulling in yet?

I’m not much different now, so I’m so glad you’re here. Even if it is remote or online.

Grab your hot tea or coffee and rest awhile.  This morning I’m having Twinings Chai Pumpkin Spice hot tea with cream. Later it will be Tazo Earl Grey, and I’ll whirl it around in my Ninja with cream with a little vanilla to make it more like a London Fog.  Oh! And I almost forgot. McVities Digestives. My favorite English biscuits. 

A Woodwick cinnamon cheer candle crackles as a reminder of the sweetness of our time together. “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the joy of one’s friendship springs from his earnest counsel.” Proverbs 27:9